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Ramin Edmond

Ramin Edmond is the former Content Strategist for GaggleAMP.

How to Turn Employees into Brand Advocates

How to Turn Employees into Brand Advocates


4 Tips for Creating a Social Media Calendar

3 Easy Steps to Get Employees to Share your Content

Why Should You Use GaggleAMP?


Your Employees Aren’t Sharing Marketing Content and Why They Should


Five User Generated Content Campaigns You Need To See


The Best Way to Increase Brand Awareness for Your Business


6 Reasons to Implement a Social Media Advocacy Program

What is Employee Engagement? And, What it is Not


FTC Compliance and Social Media

Thousands Now Do it, But What is Thought Leadership?


Employee Engagement Strategy, Advocacy and Engagement: The Differences

What is Company Culture in 2024? New Secrets & More


How To Get The LinkedIn Algorithm To Work For You in 2024


Employee Advocacy: What’s in it For The Employees?

Getting Employee Buy-in For Your Employee Advocacy Program

employee advocacy executive buy-in

It’s Never Too Late To Start An Employee Advocacy Program

What Are The Benefits of Employee Advocacy?


How Communication Technology Fosters Employee Engagement

Employee Advocacy Webinar with Transunion

How TransUnion Approaches Employee Advocacy

Positioning Your Employee Advocacy Program For Impact

Positioning Your Employee Advocacy Program for Maximum Impact

WeChat: Giving Your Global Teams Access to Employee Advocacy

How To Calculate Your Employee Advocacy ROI

Getting Employees Active in Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Rackspace Reaches Over 60M People in 6 Months With Switch To GaggleAMP

The Definitive Employee Advocacy Checklist

How to Improve Employee Communication


What is Gamification? And How to Gamify Your Employee Advocacy Program

How Has The Pandemic Affected Employee Engagement?

6 Employee Advocacy Training & Growth Strategies You Need To Know

Going About Social Media Recruiting The Right Way

Top 5 Tips for Creating Social Media Message Campaigns

4 Ways to Get Your Employees Involved in Social Media Advocacy

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LinkedIn Elevate is Sunsetting: What You Need to Know

AMP Pages Can Make Social Media Analytics Tough to Measure

Five Ways Technology is Making Businesses More Effective


How The Twitter Bot Hunt Could Impact You


Five Brilliant Employee Advocacy Best Practices You Need to Know


How an Employee Advocacy Platform Will Increase Brand Awareness


How to Use Employee Advocacy For Social Selling


Four Big Obstacles of Employee Advocacy Programs


How Employee Generated Content Helps Your Business


How to Explain Employee Engagement to Your Employees


Your Social Presence is More Than Sharing


What is the Value of 100K Tweets?


Innovation Comes From Listening to Customers


Pros and Cons of Employee Advocacy and Being Prominent on Social Media

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Employee Amplification: A Must Have For Businesses Of All Sizes


GaggleAMP and the History of Employee Advocacy


Who Leads Social Media—PR or Marketing?


How Marketing Can Help Your Employee Engagement Efforts


Why Employees Are a Crucial Part of Your Public Relations Strategy


Stay Ahead of the Curve by Adding Employee Advocacy Services


Leveraging Social Media at Events and How Your Employees Can Help

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Two Layers of Success in Digital Marketing


Three Reasons Your Employees Need Their Own Personal Brands


Content Distribution: A Basic Primer

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Why You Should Use Buyer Personas in Your Social Media Strategy


5 Components of a Good Tweet: Data Backed Insights


Your Strategic Marketing Investment


What is Authentic Engagement?


The Key Social Media Metrics Your Boss Cares About

5 Symptoms of a Top of Funnel Problem

Meet the Marketer: Mark Bornstein of ON24

Harnessing Employees’ Social Media Reach

What Should A Good Social Media Policy Include?

The Social Media Policy

Emloyees on Social Media

Employees on Social Media

4 Tips to Help Employees Get Comfortable Using Social Media

What is Content Without Purpose?

AMPlify Employee Advocacy Moderator - Joel Leeman

4 Components of Quality Content


Use the Native Language for Your Foreign Social Media Strategy

AMPlify Social Selling Panelist - Gabe Villamizar

Training Your Sales Team on Employee Advocacy

Leveraging The 3 Distribution Channels To Boost Your Content

AMPlify 2015 Speaker Recap: Skeeter Harris

Show Employees How to Help Grow the Business

Empower Employees to Share on Social Media

3 Ways to Make it Easy for Employees to Share Your Content


How GaggleAMP's Marketo Integration Works

4 Steps for Onboarding Employees to Your Employee Advocacy Program

How to Increase Your Social Reach

Best Practices for Hosting a Live Twitter Q & A

5 Auto-sharing Tools to Make You More Productive

Social Media and SEO: Building Your Online Presence

4 Timesaving Tools Even the Busiest LinkedIn Networker Will Love

GaggleAMP named “Tool of the Week” by Tendo Communications

GaggleAMP Founder Named as Squirrel Social “Person of the Week”

Getting the Right People to Your Content

A Tipping Point for Every Message

McKinsey Declares “Amplify” as a Primary Function of Social Media

5 Ways to Get a Jumpstart on Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media and Corporations