LinkedIn Lead Generation: Strategies and Best Practices

LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies Hero

LinkedIn isn’t your typical social media platform.

It’s a business-oriented network of professionals and decision-makers that offers unique brand-building and B2B lead-generation opportunities. The professional tools on LinkedIn enable better conversion rates and a higher advertising ROI than most other social platforms.

With a massive user base of over 830 million members worldwide, the opportunities for making meaningful business connections on the platform are immense.

But, how do you cut through the noise and harness the full potential of LinkedIn?

In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies and best practices for B2B lead generation on LinkedIn. Whether you’re looking to refine your current approach or start afresh, let’s dive in and discover how to make the most of this remarkable platform.

What Does Lead Generation on LinkedIn Look Like?

LinkedIn lead generation is all about finding and attracting potential customers who are interested in your products or services. Unlike other social media platforms that might focus more on casual connections, LinkedIn is a professional network designed for making meaningful business connections.

This makes it an ideal place for B2B companies to identify and reach out to decision-makers and influencers in their target industries.

What Makes LinkedIn the Top Choice for B2B Lead Generation?

According to Chief Marketer’s survey, LinkedIn is the go-to social channel for B2B marketers, with 91% of respondents saying it’s an effective platform to invest in.

This high level of effectiveness comes from LinkedIn’s ability to offer a business-oriented environment where companies can connect with industry professionals, share valuable content, and build thought leadership.

Types of Lead Generation Campaigns on LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers a variety of tools and features for B2B lead generation. Here are some of the most effective methods.

  • Sponsored or Promoted Content. These are posts that appear in the LinkedIn feed of your target audience. Sponsored content can be used to share industry insights, company updates, or special offers.

    For example, a software company might share a case study demonstrating how their product solved a major problem for a client. By using eye-catching visuals and compelling copy, such posts can drive engagement and encourage potential leads to click through to your website.

CallRail shared a Case Study on WorkSpace Strategies and how they increased lead gen

Source: CallRail

  • LinkedIn Ads. These include different ad formats like text ads, dynamic ads, and carousel ads.

    For instance, a B2B company can use text ads to promote a webinar or a free trial of their service, while carousel ads help showcase multiple products, features, or thoughts in a single post.

A LinkedIn Carousel from Vimeo promoting their downloadable Video Marketing Handbook

Source: Vimeo

  • InMail Messages. LinkedIn’s InMail feature allows you to send direct messages to users who aren’t in your network. This is a powerful tool for reaching out to potential leads with personalized offers or invitations.

    For example, you might target a decision-maker at a company with a customized InMail inviting them to a free consultation or demo of your product.

Example of an InMail message invitation

  • Lead Gen Forms. LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms are a dedicated ad format that includes a form within the ad. This makes it easy for users to submit their contact information without leaving LinkedIn.

    For instance, a company offering a new eBook might use a lead gen form to collect email addresses from users interested in downloading the book. Targeting a warm lead? Try getting them to convert on your free trial.

Asana promotes their AI features to capture new leads through LinkedIn

Source: Asana

What Are the Fundamentals of LinkedIn Lead Generation?

Let's explore the basic, yet indispensable, elements of successful lead generation on LinkedIn.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile serves as the cornerstone of your lead generation strategy. Whether it’s a personal or company profile, it must be optimized to attract and engage potential leads.

To effectively optimize your profile, follow these key steps:

  • Define LinkedIn Profile Goals. Identify what you aim to achieve with your LinkedIn profile, and build it up accordingly. Are you looking to build brand awareness, generate leads, or establish thought leadership?

  • Design an Original Profile Picture and Banner. Use a high-quality, professional headshot for personal profiles and a well-designed banner that reflects your brand for company pages.

  • Write a Simple LinkedIn Headline. Your headline should be clear and compelling. Instead of just stating your job title, convey your value proposition. For instance, a sales manager can level up his profile with a headline saying, ‘Helping B2B companies boost sales through data-driven strategies.’

  • Propose Value in the About Section. Clearly articulate what you or your company offers. Highlight key achievements and how you can solve problems for your audience.

  • Display Social Proof in the Featured Section. Showcase testimonials, case studies, or notable projects. This builds credibility and trust.

  • Customize Your LinkedIn URL. LinkedIn automatically generates URLs that are often long and not easily searchable. Customize your LinkedIn URL to something shorter and more memorable to improve your profile’s accessibility and professionalism.

To create a personalized LinkedIn URL.

    1. Go to your LinkedIn profile.

    2. Click 'Edit public profile & URL' on the right side.

    3. Click the pencil icon next to your current URL.

    4. Enter a custom, shorter URL.

    5. Save your changes.

  • Optimize the Activity Section. Engage with relevant content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This increases visibility and positions you as an active participant in your industry.

Top company pages on LinkedIn, like Microsoft and HubSpot, exemplify strong branding, staying connected with their audience, and smart communication. They regularly post valuable content, interact with followers, and maintain a consistent brand voice.

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LinkedIn Best Practice Cheat Sheet for Your Team Now.

HubSpot About section on their LinkedIn page

Source: HubSpot

Defining Your Target Audience

Identifying and targeting the right audience ensures your lead generation efforts are focused on engaging and converting those most likely to benefit from and respond to your offerings.

Here are some strategies to help you define your target audience.

  • Analyze Your Existing Customer Base. Look at the characteristics of your current customers. What industries do they belong to? What job titles do they hold? This analysis will help you identify patterns and target similar profiles.

  • Utilize LinkedIn Analytics. LinkedIn provides valuable insights into who is viewing and engaging with your content. Use this data to refine your target audience. You can export the analytics report for your page for detailed insights.

GaggleAMP LinkedIn Demographics

Source: GaggleAMP’s LinkedIn

  • Create Buyer Personas. Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers, accounting for their pain points, interests, and decision-making processes.

You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to create personas defined by:

  1. Function.

  2. Seniority.

  3. Job Title.

  4. Geography.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you gain deeper account insights, such as persona growth at a target account.

It’s important to note that personas in Sales Navigator are different from those in LinkedIn Sales Insights. When using the Sales Navigator personas, you can develop multiple personas to support the different buyers of your product or services.

Sales Navigator allows you to set different settings for different audiences to identify your ideal buyer

  • Leverage LinkedIn's Advanced Search Filters. Use filters like industry, company size, job function, and location to narrow down your search for potential leads. This is particularly useful for targeted outreach and personalized messaging.

  • Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups. Participate in groups where your target audience is active. Engage in discussions, share insights, and position yourself as an industry expert. For instance, a marketing professional can join groups focused on the latest digital marketing trends and strategies.

Pro Tip: Many of these LinkedIn Groups are migrating off LinkedIn and into Slack communities or private communities on apps like Circle.

  • Monitor Competitors. Observe who your competitors are targeting and engaging with on LinkedIn. This can provide insights into potential audiences you may have overlooked.

Effective Strategies for LinkedIn Lead Generation

Once you've covered the basics, concentrate on a few key strategies to enhance your B2B lead generation efforts on LinkedIn and achieve significant results.

Enhance Engagement With Content That Resonates

Relevant content is crucial to your campaign's success. If your target audience doesn't relate to it, they won't engage. Here's how to create effective, relevant content.

  • Post Consistently, but Don’t Overdo It. Be consistent, but don’t bombard your audience with too much content. Aim to share insightful articles, industry news, and valuable updates, but don’t be afraid to keep it light and comical. We may be B2B but that doesn’t mean we have to be boring.

A funny meme that compares Paid Social vs Organic Employee Advocacy using pictures of olimpic athletes

Source: Dean Agen

  • Leverage Employee Advocacy. Encourage your employees to share company content aimed at generating brand awareness and leads on LinkedIn. Effective employee advocacy can significantly boost the reach and impact of your content.

  • Engage With Thought Leaders. Comment on and share posts from industry thought leaders. This increases your visibility and positions you as an engaged commentator in your field.

  • Find Potential Leads. Monitor who is engaging with your content. Individuals who frequently interact with your posts may be potential leads. Reach out to these individuals to start a conversation.

Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool designed to enhance your lead generation efforts on the platform. Here's a brief overview of how to use it along with its features.

  • Advanced Search Filters. Use Sales Navigator’s advanced filters to narrow down your search based on industry, job title, and location, among others. This will help you find high-quality leads that match your ideal customer profile.

  • Lead Recommendations. Sales Navigator offers personalized lead recommendations, helping you discover prospects you might have initially overlooked.

  • Detailed Insights. Gain insights into the activities and interests of your prospects; use that knowledge to tailor your outreach messages more effectively.

Send Personalized Messages

Personalized outreach is crucial for successful lead generation on LinkedIn. Here’s how to craft effective messages.

  • Craft a Compelling Subject Line. Your subject line should be concise and intriguing to encourage recipients to open your message. For example, 'Can I have you on my podcast?'

  • Personalize Your Message. Use the recipient’s name and reference something specific about their profile or recent activity. This shows you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in them.

An example of a personalized and genuine LinkedIn message

  • Be Clear and Concise. Get straight to the point. Briefly explain who you are, why you’re reaching out, and how you can help them. Avoid long, generic messages.

  • Include a Call to Action. Encourage the recipient to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or visiting your website. A simple CTA like ‘Download our detailed guide for more info’ boosts engagement and helps you identify leads for follow up.

Engage With Relevant Thought Leaders

Engaging with thought leaders in your industry can significantly boost your visibility and credibility. Here’s how.

  • Identify Key Influencers. Use LinkedIn’s search features to find influential figures in your industry. Follow their pages and engage with their content regularly.

  • Participate in Discussions. Comment on posts, share your insights and ask thoughtful questions. This positions you as knowledgeable and genuinely involved in the conversation.

  • Share Thought Leaders’ Content. Repost valuable content from thought leaders with your own commentary. This not only adds value to your network but also helps build relationships with those influencers.

By consistently engaging with thought leaders, you can enhance your visibility and attract more potential leads.

Leverage TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU Strategies for Effective LinkedIn Lead Gen

To generate high-quality leads on LinkedIn, it’s essential to adopt a comprehensive content strategy that spans the entire buyer journey. The top of funnel (TOFU), middle of funnel (MOFU), and bottom of funnel (BOFU) strategies each play distinct roles in attracting, nurturing, and converting leads.

  • TOFU: Attract and Engage Prospects. In the beginning, build awareness and attract new leads with effective content strategies.
    1. Post regularly to stay top-of-mind, sharing industry insights and trends.

    2. Use engaging visuals like videos and infographics to grab attention.

    3. Share actionable tips and thought leadership to offer real value and spark interest.

  • MOFU: Nurture and Convert Leads. In this stage, focus on nurturing relationships and guiding leads towards a decision.
    1. Share in-depth case studies or whitepapers to demonstrate the unique benefits of your product or service.

    2. Engage with leads through personalized messages and address their questions.

    3. Highlight success stories with testimonials to build trust and credibility.

A video posted by Virtuous showcasing their Case Study on the Arkansas Childrens Hospital

Source: Virtuous

To add a client testimonial to your LinkedIn Page, go to the ‘What We Do’ section and click 'Add company' in the Testimonials section to feature up to two companies.

  • BOFU: Close Deals and Drive Conversions. Focus on closing deals and converting leads into customers.
    1. Offer detailed product demos to showcase the full capabilities of your product or solution.

    2. Provide special promotions or discounts to encourage immediate action.

    3. Send personalized InMails addressing specific concerns and offering solutions.

Unlock Advanced LinkedIn Lead Generation Techniques

According to the 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing Insights Report, LinkedIn was the most used and most effective organic social media platform for B2B content marketers, with 21% finding it extremely effective.

To capitalize on lead generation opportunities on the platform, you need to explore advanced techniques like LinkedIn Ads, retargeting, and automation.

Master LinkedIn Ads and Sponsored Content

To generate effective B2B leads through LinkedIn Ads, you must understand the nuances of ad types, bidding strategies, and objectives to maximize the impact of your campaign.

Let’s take a look at the types of LinkedIn ads and their uses.

  • Single Image Ads. Showcase a product or service with a single eye-catching image. They are ideal for straightforward promotions and brand awareness.

  • Carousel Ads. Feature multiple images or videos that users can swipe through. Use these for detailed product showcases or multi-step messaging.

  • Conversation Ads. Engage users in interactive, personalized conversations. Perfect for creating dialogues that can lead to deeper interactions.

  • Document Ads. Share documents like PDFs or brochures directly in the feed. Great for distributing whitepapers, case studies, or detailed guides.

  • Video Ads. Capture attention with compelling video content. Use for product demos, behind-the-scenes looks, or customer testimonials.

  • Event Ads. Promote upcoming events like webinars or conferences. Effective for driving registrations and increasing event visibility.

  • Follower Ads. Grow your company’s LinkedIn following. These ads encourage users to follow your company page for updates and news.

  • Lead Gen Forms. Collect lead information directly on LinkedIn. Useful for capturing leads through simple forms without requiring users to leave the platform.

  • Spotlight Ads. Increase the visibility of your content or company page. Ideal for promoting special offers or new services.

  • Single Job Ads. Advertise specific job openings. Focus on attracting qualified candidates for your recruitment needs.

  • Thought Leader Ads. Establish authority by sharing valuable industry insights. Position yourself or your company as a thought leader in your field.

Your ad costs depend on auction-based pricing models and the type of activity you’re funding, such as impressions, clicks, or lead generation forms. Be strategic with your bidding and choose objectives that align with your campaign goals.

Implement Effective LinkedIn Retargeting Strategies

Retargeting is a powerful way to re-engage potential leads who have previously interacted with your content but have yet to convert.

  • Create Retargeting Campaigns. Use LinkedIn ad tools to target users who have visited your page or engaged with your posts. Customize your ads to remind these users of your offerings.

  • Segment Your Audience. Build audience segments based on past interactions. Tailor your messaging to address specific interests or concerns they previously showed.

  • Use Lead Gen Form Retargeting. Re-engage users who interacted with your lead gen forms but didn’t complete them. Offer additional incentives or information to encourage form completion.

  • Leverage Website Retargeting. Retarget visitors who have visited your website but have not converted. Show them ads that feature relevant content or special offers.

Automate Lead Generation Tasks

Automation can streamline your LinkedIn lead-generation efforts while allowing you to focus on high-value tasks and scale your prospecting activities effectively.

  • Use LinkedIn Automation Tools. Tools like LinkedHelper, Dux-Soup, or Expandi can automate connection requests, message follow-ups, and profile views. They save time and increase outreach efficiency. Just be careful with using automation; many people on LinkedIn now use an emoji or initials in their name to better spot automated tools like these.
An example of how automation might make a message seem inauthentic if not used properly
  • Set Up Automated Messaging Sequences. Design automated message sequences for initial outreach, follow-ups, and engagement. Ensure messages are personalized and relevant to avoid appearing spammy.

  • Automate Content Scheduling. Use tools like Buffer to schedule and manage your company posts, or GaggleAMP to help schedule your employee advocate posts. Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged and automation streamlines your efforts.
GaggleAMP Member Calendar

Source: GaggleAMP Social Media Calendars

  • Leverage CRM Integration. Connect LinkedIn with your CRM to automate lead tracking and follow-up processes. This integration helps manage leads more effectively and streamlines your sales pipeline.

Going the Extra Mile for LinkedIn Lead Gen

To maximize your LinkedIn lead generation, consider these innovative approaches.

Promote Company Events

Creating and promoting LinkedIn events can be a powerful lead-generation strategy. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Share your event in relevant LinkedIn groups to reach interested audiences.
  • Use targeted ads to specifically reach your desired attendees.
  • Follow up with attendees after the event to convert them into leads.
  • Announce events via your profile or company page’s posts. Employee advocacy can amplify your event announcements by encouraging team members to share posts and expand your reach and engagement.

Enhance the Effectiveness of Your Employee Advocacy Program

Encouraging employees to share company content can expand your reach significantly. Here’s how a tool like GaggleAMP simplifies the process:

  • One-click engagement on company content boosts reach and engagement.
  • Sharpen cold outreach by building thought leadership and trust within your network.
  • Enhance personal networks and build new relationships with content calendars and AutoAMP activities.

Implement Multi-Channel Strategies

Combining LinkedIn with other platforms like X, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram can enhance lead-generation efforts.

Here’s how to create effective cross-channel traffic and engagement:

  • Post on X your LinkedIn insights and content to drive traffic between platforms.
  • Share LinkedIn posts to Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok, tailoring your message for each platform.
  • Use consistent branding across all platforms for cohesive campaigns.

Measure and Maximize Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Results

Measuring your LinkedIn lead generation helps you get better results and refine your strategies continuously.

Track Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Performance

Monitoring your performance is crucial for understanding what works and what doesn’t.

  • Metrics to Monitor. Track metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and the number of leads generated.

  • Tools to Use. To gather and analyze data, use LinkedIn Analytics, Google Analytics, and CRM tools like HubSpot or Salesforce.

Refine and Optimize Your Strategies Based on Data

Using data to inform your strategy allows for continuous improvement and better results.

  • Analyze Data. Regularly review your performance metrics to identify trends and areas for improvement.

  • Make Adjustments. Based on your findings, adjust your content, targeting, and ad spend.

For example, if your data shows that LinkedIn polls generate more engagement than infographics, you can create follow-up posts referencing the poll results. You can also have your content team develop a monthly poll series to maintain consistent engagement and drive further interaction with your audience.

Ready To Elevate Your LinkedIn Lead Generation?

LinkedIn is a top-tier platform for effective lead generation, offering diverse strategies to match your budget, goals, market, and target audience.

Among these, employee advocacy has proven to be a powerful and cost-effective approach for boosting engagement and expanding your reach. You can ramp up both lead quantity and quality by getting your team members to share company content on their profiles.

Need a hand setting up an effective employee strategy on LinkedIn? Try GaggleAMP to streamline engagement tasks and track results.


What Is LinkedIn Lead Generation?

LinkedIn lead generation is the process of finding and attracting potential customers through the platform. It involves using LinkedIn Ads, creating engaging posts, direct messaging, and sending InMails to connect with professionals interested in your products or services.

How Does LinkedIn Generate Leads?

LinkedIn generates leads through features like lead generation forms, sponsored content, and targeted ads. These tools help you reach the right audience and capture their contact information for follow up.

Do LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms Work?

Yes, LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms are effective for capturing high-quality leads. They let users submit their information directly from the LinkedIn platform, making it easy for them to express interest in your offerings.

What Are LinkedIn Lead Generation Features?

LinkedIn offers features for lead generation, such as lead generation forms, sponsored content, and advanced targeting options. These tools help you connect with potential customers and track the success of your campaigns.

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