Employee Advocacy Case Studies | GaggleAMP

GaggleAMP: The Key to Dynatrace’s 10x Social Engagement Increase

Written by Ramin Edmond | 07/11/2024

Dynatrace APM tools provide user experience analysis that identifies and resolves application performance issues. As a market leader, they looked to GaggleAMP to provide the training and tools needed to activate their employees to share and engage with the content they were producing.

  • 10x Increase in Social Engagements
  • 20% Employee Adoption within 6 months

Dynatrace is an American application performance management software company with products aimed at the information technology departments and digital business owners of medium and large enterprises. Douglas Jensen serves as the Social Media Manager and manages their employee advocacy program.

Taking Advantage of an Opportunity Using the Right Tool

As a Social Media Manager, Douglas Jensen knew he had an opportunity to resonate with his audience on a deeper level through employee sharing of content. “Dynatrace is an industry leader in its product category. We have a lot of positive things to say, but it's more interesting and compelling when it comes from employees rather than when it comes from a single source.”

He knew that having a tool to help Dynatrace deliver a steady stream of content to their employees was crucial. An improvised solution was not an option. Douglas looked for a solution that was both easy to manage from his side and easy to use for the employees.


"Once people received the first email that they had content to share, they understood what to do and how to do it. It's amazing! I've never seen a social tool that requires so little training as GaggleAMP."

Douglas Jensen

Social Media Manager at Dynatrace


Using GaggleAMP, Douglas knew he would be able to feed his advocates with a constant flow of content and make it super easy for them to share that content.

How GaggleAMP Helped

GaggleAMP has gotten Dynatrace talking! Dynatrace saw different internal groups engaging with each other on how they can do things better, not just in GaggleAMP, but through many of their other channels and marketing programs. Employees started thinking of where social interactions will take them in terms of a sales engagement.

Employee sharing helps build those early top of the funnel, beginning of the pipeline relationships, and helps maintain them through the funnel and the pipeline. Douglas has seen a correlation between the increase in conversations and increased deal sizes. “Our employees are having more conversations and opportunities.”


"Our employees are having more conversations and opportunities. I looked at the general engagement numbers and thought 'wow, we've multiplied it tenfold easily!' We are literally in the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands as far as interactions and impressions."

Douglas Jensen

Social Media Manager at Dynatrace


Douglas is also noticing a boost in engagement.

Most employees, no matter how well informed they are, always seem somewhat amazed in how much is going on within the organization. It’s been very positive in terms of just improving employees perception of the organization, products, services, and how Dynatrace’s different customer service department performs when people.

Douglas sees how GaggleAMP has helped raise people’s awareness of what a great company Dynatrace is to work for and what great products they offer. To Douglas, it’s very valuable in terms of employee retention, motivation, and enthusiasm.

Employee Advocacy Results

Douglas looked at the basic metrics of shares, retweets, and general engagement numbers, and they’ve multiplied them by 10X. He noticed a jump into the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands as far as interactions and impressions. 

Thinking about getting an employee advocacy program? Take a look at our quick demo video, or book a demo with our team to discuss what a program would look like for you!